Prayer For Breath

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Posted on March 19, 2020

Divine Parent,

We humbly ask for your guidance during this difficult time.

We ask that you lift the veil for those who are ready, so we may recognize that your guidance is already within us.

Surround us with your healing, loving and protective white light. May it protect those that are healthy, heal those that are sick, and comfort those that are in need of support.

Let this light expand beyond us to our home, Mother Earth, to heal her lungs so she may breathe again. Her breath is the force that moves the clouds and makes the trees dance and it is the same force that lives within each of us.

We ask that you direct our awareness inward so we may recognize that it is our breath which connects us to ourselves, each other, and to Mother Earth. May this awareness grow into compassion and gratitude and may we forever be intentional with the gift of life.

And so it is.