Simple and Powerful Tools for Clearing & Protecting Your Energy

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Posted on July 14, 2020

I had first heard about the importance of clearing and protecting my energy when I started taking intuitive awareness classes. The first few topics that are usually taught are the aura and the chakras with all of their layers and complexities. Of course, one cannot teach about the human aura or our chakras without talking about how energy flows through them and what might cause energy to get stuck.

It made a whole lot of sense to me intellectually so I started practicing clearing & protecting my energy, even if just occasionally. However, I would feel nothing. It wasn’t that the energy wasn’t being cleared or that energy wasn’t flowing (it always is), but I wasn’t quite as sensitive to energy yet and definitely not in tune with my own. One could say that I was often out of alignment and letting outside forces dictate how I felt.

But the more I did the work, got in alignment with my own energy and intuitive gifts, the more sensitive I became. And now, I can easily tell when I am out of alignment, when energy is mine or someone else’s. Today, I couldn’t imagine not clearing and protecting my energy. Just like I wouldn’t go to bed without showering off the dirt of the day, I also won’t go to bed without clearing my energy. It is part of my regular “energy hygiene”.

You see, everything is made of energy and everything has its own unique vibration and energy field, including you. As electromagnetic beings we carry energy in our energy field and we attract circumstances and people into our experience that match our frequency and repel anything that doesn’t. This is why it is immensely important to become aware of our own frequency, diligently remove anything that does not serve us and nurture our energy through thoughts, feelings and actions that are based on a frequency of love and light.

Simply speaking, energy vibrates on a frequency spectrum from light to dark or in other words from love to fear. The frequency of love feels expansive, abundant, and effortless – it feels like you’re in the flow or in alignment. The frequency of fear feels constricting, anxious, and dense.

You may be wondering: “What frequency am I vibrating on?” – great question! If you’re not used to tuning into your own energy, then learning to regularly clear and protect your energy is a great first step. The more you do this, the more sensitive you will become and you will start to learn what it feels like when you’re in your own frequency, when you feel calm, expansive and in the flow. That is your natural state, where you’re the most receptive to receiving guidance from your higher-self and are the most in touch with your intuition.

If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again! As I mentioned before, it is very likely that at first you won’t be able to feel the differences in energy or vibration but just know that energy is constantly vibrating and flowing all around us. By clearing and protecting your energy on a regular, you will become more sensitive and eventually you will be able to feel the flow of energy. So just because you don’t feel it yet, trust that the energy is still flowing.


Simple and Powerful 2-Step Process to Clear & Protect 

Step 1 - Start by GROUNDING & CLEARING

The practice of grounding anchors us into the present moment and brings us back into our bodies

  • Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and your feet flat on the ground
  • Bring awareness of how you are feeling in this moment
  • Take a few deep relaxing breaths: Breath in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, and breath out for a count of 8 – repeat 3x
  • Visualize roots growing from root chakra (bottom of your spine) and from the soles of your feet through the floor or ground beneath you, through the dirt all the way deep to the core of the Earth
  • Visualize your roots growing and spreading out – deeply anchoring you to the grounding Earth energy
  • Now, visualize a bright star or the moon on the night’s sky – see a beam of golden white light connect from this point to your crown chakra (top of your head)
  • This is the loving, healing and cleansing source energy. Visualize this golden white light enter through your crown and also wash over you like a warm and comforting shower. Feel this light as it touches your skin. Imagine this light being absorbed by your skin, your muscle tissue, your organs.
  • See this light cleanse anything in your body that does not belong to you or no longer serves you. See it wash through you, down through the roots, deep into the Earth where this energy is released and transmuted. The pull this cleansed energy back up through the soles of your feet and base of your spine up to the center of your heart.
  • Connected to source and anchored to the depths of the Earth, breath into your heart center and bring to mind a few things you are grateful for
  • As you breath expand this energy outward forming an oval-shaped energy field a few feet from your body. Feel this energy encompassing and surrounding you. This is your frequency, your vibration of love and light.

Step 2 - Continue with PROTECTING

Choose any one or a combination of these options below to do daily or multiple times a day.

OPTION 1: Golden Egg

  • Hold you focus here and relax into this energy space that is yours alone; feel what this feels like when you are unplugged from the collective
  • Now, visualize the outside of your expanded aura harden with a golden shell - forming a golden egg
  • Affirm to yourself that you are safe and protected within this golden egg and that only energy of light and love can enter your space
  • Imagine the water that is falling over your head and your body to be a warm golden white light
  • Visualize this light shower clearing your aura of anything that is not yours or no longer serving you
  • In your minds eye, see all this “gunk” be washed down the drain  
  • As you are drying off, visualize the outside of your cleared aura harden with a golden shell - forming a golden egg
  • Affirm to yourself that you are safe and protected within this golden egg and that only energy of light and love can enter your space


OPTION 2: Prayer of Protection

Divine Parent,

We ask that you surround us with white light of healing, love and protection

Help us disconnect from the collective energies so we may focus on connecting to our own higher self

And raise our vibrations so that we may connect with source and our spirit loved ones during this time

We ask our spirit loved ones, guides, and light beings to step forward to provide us with messages of healing, love, guidance and support in ways that we can easily perceive them

May the guidance be clear and may we have the awareness to recognize it

And so, it is. 


OPTION 3: Shower Practice

Super easy to incorporate into your daily routine!  

  • Imagine the water that is falling over your head and your body to be a warm golden white light
  • Visualize this light shower clearing your aura of anything that is not yours or no longer serving you
  • In your minds eye, see all this “gunk” be washed down the drain  
  • As you are drying off, visualize the outside of your cleared aura harden with a golden shell - forming a golden egg
  • Affirm to yourself that you are safe and protected within this golden egg and that only energy of light and love can enter your space